Ok so i have asked a bunch of questions so far on what new graphics card should i get (i need a new one) and if i have the right power supply and everything, but something that is on my mind..is why in the world is my current graphics card so sucky.
I have the Nvidia ASUS 7300GT...i know i know, cheap and all that...but shouldnt it at LEAST be able to play the GRAW 2 demo and not be choppy on JUST 1024x768 with graphic settings on medium?!! i mean i know the card sucks but COME ON....i mean it plays my BF2 REALLY well...graphics are cripst and clear and beautiful, but thats the ONLY game...hell even my hitman bloodmoney game cant have graphics above medium. So whats up with it? Does it just suck majorly and getting a 8800GT will fix all that? or is my card unsually crappy.
My PC's specs are listed on one of my other Qs if you need to know the specs of it. Thanks for all your help..and it would be cool if you know a lot bout this stuff to leave ur SN so i can IM questions thx
Graphics card question, CALLING ALL NERDS, please read my Q?
Considering your specs...A 8800 GT will do nicely. I doubt you'd bottle neck the system much so it'd be a definitely good purchase.
Regarding the 7300 Gt...It's a PREVIOUS generation LOW END card. So you really shouldn't expect great performance. BF2 isn't that demanding of a game...My x700 pro can run the game well...Which is 3 generations behind current hardware.
I'd recommend nabbing a 8800 GT..ATM the price/performance ratio is simply fantastic. It can almost offer performance that can rival the 8800 GTX in certian games....Note this is not in all games...But the 8800 GT is currently a HOT card for price/performance. I'm building a new rig soon as well. If I don't decide to wait for the next new high end graphics cards...I'd rather just nab two 8800 GT's and SLI them. Around the same price as a 8800 GTX with better performance.
Regarding the PSU...You never mentioned it in your other thread from what I read. How much did you pay for it? The power supply is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the system. If you cheap out on a power supply you risk losing your whole rig. Cheap powersupplies use extremely cheap components. If the power supply blows it can take your other hardware with it. Just make sure you have a decent one...If you have trouble deciding on a new one..use this list...Stay above tier 3 and you should be fine (Tier 2 or 1 heavily recommended...2 is a great price/performance for psu's)
Regarding your PSU..with your current rig..I noticed someone stated you need a 600 Watt psu for a 8800 GT..this is FALSE..I've seen a 8800 GTX run on a 520 watt system...Althogh it's cutting it a bit close it ran without a hitch...You just need to make sure your psu has enought watts and amps on the 12 rail to support it. If you have a quality psu..don't worry...it should handle it fine..
Just nab a 8800 GT and enjoy ^_^..just make sure your PSU can support it.
Graphics card question, CALLING ALL NERDS, please read my Q?
Have you updated the drivers from nvidia's site? That is a pretty good card if you are running XP. The 8800gt will fix the issue at hand for sure, you would be moving into the new age of graphics and it can handle any game you throw at it.
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